March 23rd, 2017 Top 10 creative ways to celebrate nurses
National Nurses Week is fast approaching (May 6-12, 2017). We asked the team at NAS for their input on creative ways our healthcare clients are recognizing their nurses. While a general “Thank You” ad is always appreciated, you might want to take your recognition even further. So we compiled a quick “Top Ten” list as
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March 9th, 2017 3 Recruitment Strategies You Can Implement Right Now
In order to win the war on talent, smart companies are focusing far beyond the “post-and-wait” game. Although an important component in candidate sourcing strategy, it is but one piece of a complex puzzle—with moving parts. Today’s savvy recruiter understands the need to develop, deploy and cultivate a proactive, long-term strategy in attracting both active
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February 23rd, 2017 Catch and keep: how to bring boomerangs back
Nearly 70% of U.S. employees have either returned to work for a previous employer or are open to being a “boomerang” employee at some point in the future. In our last blog post, we discussed why companies should embrace boomerangs – employees who leave a company voluntarily only to be rehired. This week, we’ll cover
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February 9th, 2017 Boomerang business is booming: why you should embrace the trend
Just two months in, and the 2017 labor economy is already presenting a unique challenge to both employers and recruiters: The U.S. unemployment rate is at its lowest in eight years. Over 3 million workers left their jobs by choice—the highest level recorded since 2006. The number of job openings nationwide is approaching 6
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January 26th, 2017 3 ways to be top of mind with candidates
Do you have friends who only reach out when they need something? That’s not how healthy relationships work. The same holds true in recruitment marketing. If you only reach out to job seekers when you have an open position and are silent at all other times, you’re not building a strong relationship with candidates –
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January 5th, 2017 3 New Year’s Resolutions for Every HR Professional
Every year, we all resolve to make changes. We keep some resolutions, while others fall by the wayside. I believe that the more practical the resolution, the greater chance we have of keeping it. Here are the three simple and reasonable resolutions that every talent acquisition professional should make in 2017. Resolution #1: Make the
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