Viewing Category: recruitment analytics
October 15th, 2020 Beyond Measurement: The FYI on KPIsYou need robust analytics to track results and manage your recruitment budget. Quite simply, if you can’t measure your recruitment performance, you can’t improve it. Which KPIs are most important to your organization? How are you currently measuring or analyzing your metrics to make data-driven decisions? We recommend a phased approach in addressing these questions:
June 2nd, 2020 5 KPIs for recruiting that every company needsYou’re excited about your company’s new career site content. Your brand is on-target, your strategy is solid, and you’re ready to attract the right candidates. Soon, however, you realize that your site—and maybe your application process—is underperforming. You expected more (and better) candidates applying for your open positions. It’s important to remember this reality about performance: if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
October 28th, 2019 The Power of Analytics: Finding Your Measure of GoodWhen it comes to recruitment marketing analytics, many organizations remain narrowly focused on an increase in numbers. However, the most useful analytics tell the story of the candidate journey with an acute focus on the why behind the what. At NAS Recruitment Innovation, we believe that analytics need to be interpreted with your holistic recruitment
November 20th, 2017 The advice that HR professionals are thankful forIn honor of Thanksgiving, the NAS team asked our clients a simple question: What advice about recruiting are you most thankful for having received? Here is what they had to say… The advice I received that I am most thankful for is to truly not “sweat the small stuff!” You can plan visits down the last
October 5th, 2017 How smart companies are benefiting from analyticsThe numbers don’t lie. In the dynamic world of analytics, strategies abound: pay-per-click, programmatic media, Facebook promoted posts, social media campaigns, e-blasts, online job postings, event landing pages, your own career site performance…Here’s the thing: unless you can track results of your efforts with unbiased analytics, how can you possibly determine and validate the effectiveness
September 1st, 2016 3 Must-Haves for your 2017 Recruitment BudgetLet’s face the reality: when it comes to HR budgets, companies are increasingly in the position of having to do more with less. Budgets are thinner, and you have to be smarter in how to allocate your recruitment spend. This is the time of year when many HR professionals are budgeting for the next year