• Job postings and titles: Get them right and reap the rewards

    Posted by Charles Kapec on July 2nd, 2024

    Often, the first place most candidates encounter your organization is through your job postings, especially if they are actively searching for a new career. However, many organizations do not put a lot of effort into their postings, simply pasting in copy from a job requisition. If that is your process, you are overlooking a great opportunity to make a strong first impression, sell your organization and attract the right talent.  

    Job titles make a difference.

    Let’s start at the very beginning…with your job title. What we typically see with our client partners is that recruiters or hiring managers tend to create new titles for the jobs they post, which leads to countless variations and little consistency. They also will tend to “stuff” the job title with a lot of information that should stay within the posting. Educate your staff and make sure everyone is on the same page with job titling – so it’s not the wild west with your listings. 

    Rules to follow when titling your jobs.

    • Use the most-searched title for your job – that’s the one candidates are most likely to type into search engines. There are several free tools available that can help you find the best titles for each job. 
    • Don’t stuff your title with personalized information like schedules, departments and locations. It may seem like you are helping candidates narrow their choices, but jamming a lot of unnecessary words into your job title can hurt SEO and lead to fewer candidates seeing your job. 
    • Proofread your job titles before you post. If you spell it wrong, you won’t turn up in a job seeker’s search unless they make the same typo! 

    Job titling examples.

    Here are just a few examples of common jobs to help you evaluate your job titles. 

    Registered Nurse 

    Х RN Oakwood Part-Time Sign-On Bonus 

    Sales Associate 

    Х  Fashionwear Consultant 

    District Manager 

    Х  District Manger 

    For more tips on how to find the best title for your jobs, download our e-book on Job Titling Best Practices. https://info.nasrecruitment.com/hubfs/eBooks/Job_Titling_Best_Practices.pdf    

    Job postings sell the story.

    What is the purpose of job postings? Most would say they are designed to share the job duties and requirements so the right people apply. While those two elements are certainly key to a good job posting, if that is all you provide, you are not taking advantage of what might be your only opportunity to get in front of your ideal candidate. 

    When candidates have clicked on a posting, they are already indicating interest in your job. Your goal is to convert them into an applicant. Your posting can accomplish this in two ways. 

    Let candidates quickly see whether the job is right for them

    Make copy succinct and easy to read, only long enough to quickly provide the details needed for the candidate to decide whether they are interested and qualified. 

    • Create sections for ‘Responsibilities’ and ‘Qualifications’ with bullets for easy scanning of tasks and requirements. 
    • Remove redundant or obvious content – no need to describe the duties of a nurse unless there are special requirements. 
    • Include only what is necessary to qualify the candidate. You don’t have to list obvious criteria like “good communication skills.” 

    Tell them what makes your job and company different

    Let’s be honest, your job is probably similar to one being offered by another employer. The list of duties and requirements will not set you apart. You need to take the opportunity to sell your organization with additional information that does not come straight out of a requisition document. 

    Take the opportunity to tell them what’s in it for them. This is the part that is most often missing from job descriptions. We’re good at communicating the basics about the job and its requirements, but neglect to include any reasons why the candidate should choose our job over another employer.  

    • Include some engaging facts about your company that showcase what makes you different from all the other companies they may be considering. 
    • Describe any special or interesting aspects of the job or setting. Are there specifics about the department or team that would be appealing?  
    • Talk up the potential of the job – what they can learn, what they will contribute and what your culture is like. 
    • Include a section that outlines your benefits package, highlighting any offerings that are especially attractive or might not be provided by other employers. 
    • If you have an employer brand, weave in your brand theme into the messaging for consistency. 

    Get the full story on how to write the most effective job postings. 

    Want a more in-depth view on job titling, including commentary on avoiding bias and whether to include salaries? Download our e-book Practically Perfect Postings: Seven Rules for Writing Job Descriptions that Convert.

    Charles Kapec

    With NAS since 1993,Charles Kapec oversees all creative activities for an NAS team that includes copywriters/creative strategists, designer/developers and production. He provides creative direction for employment branding and career sites for all of the agency’s accounts, while serving as the main creative contact for many agency accounts.

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