• 4 easy tips to build the perfect posting

    Posted by Lisa B. Radloff on November 3rd, 2016

    According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, roughly one-third of Americans have looked for a new job in the last two years, and 79% of these job seekers utilized online resources in their most recent search for employment.

    No matter the particular source (company web site, job board) or sequence of activity (google search, email communication), the job seeker’s path ultimately leads to viewing a job posting, at which point the candidate determines if they’re a proper fit and proceeds with the application process – or not.
    The fundamental goal in HR recruitment is undisputed: turn prospects into conversions.
    It’s no secret that job postings are a key component in an overall hiring strategy. That’s why it’s important to understand the elements of a properly written and executed job posting, and ultimately, the role it will play in transitioning visitors into applicants. Here are key tips and advice to ensure your success in the highly competitive HR recruitment landscape.

    1. Attention spans are…ooh yay, cat video!
    When creating your job posting, it’s important to remember that candidates are multitasking in order to optimize their time, and you are not the only company vying for their attention. Job seekers want facts, and they want them fast. Focus your job postings on what’s important to candidates. The flow of content should speak to their needs first and include your optimized job title and general job description, followed by bulleted qualifications for the viewer to quickly answer the question: “Am I qualified?” Any boilerplate information, such as standard company descriptions, should be last in line. Time is valuable, so be mindful not to waste yours or your candidates’.

    2. SEO is your BFF
    Are your job postings properly optimized and search engine-friendly? While it’s important to use words and phrases that accurately describe your posted jobs, be sure to ask yourself whether your job descriptions contain words and phrases that job seekers are likely to use when searching on Google or within your own career site search portal. For example, for a Fire Alarm and Detection Inspector job, you should incorporate keyword phrases like “fire inspector” or “fire alarm” into the job description. Using brand-, industry- and occupation-specific phrases also serve to boost the search rankings for your jobs.

    3. Target your audience accordingly.
    While your communication tone and style are important to consider, pay equally close attention to where you place your job posting. In addition to general sources such as CareerBuilder and Indeed, it is to your advantage to also consider placing your job posting with industry-focused (nursing, engineering), niche sites that specifically target your desired candidate.

    4. Who are you, and why should I care?
    The content, style and tone of your job postings must be consistent with your brand, genuinely reflect who you are and speak to candidates with conviction and honesty. What makes your organization unique? Why should someone work for you versus a competitor? Your employment brand defines the essence of who you are, and is the first step on the path to your ultimate goal: finding people who are the right fit for your organization. Show your personality and set your organization apart from the typical, dry listing of specs and reqs.

    Law and order.
    When crafting your job postings, remember these basic strategies:

    • Focus on the candidate first. Tell them about you in the closing paragraph.
    • Watch your language. Avoid “inside,” company-specific terms or acronyms;
      remember, you are engaging with people who do not yet work for you.
    • Be mindful to simultaneously write for both candidates and search engines.
    • Speak to candidates in consistent tone and style throughout your job posting.

    Need help in writing and placing your job postings? Contact NAS today for assistance.

    Lisa B. Radloff

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